Is your team consistently practicing the right fundamentals?
As a leader, there is one certainty, you don’t know it all. Nothing personal, that is simply the way it is with every business leader. Some say that we have an attitude at EISA – we do! We have a zero tolerance for waste found in business value streams that prevent them from realizing their full potential.
Employees have two primary responsibilities. Do their job and improve their performance. Improving performance consistently happens when the fundamentals of waste elimination and prevention are part of an individuals autonomic system, that is where we come in and can help.
Connect with one of our licensed alliance members and put your heads together to find the issues holding you back. Then design solutions and lead an organization that repeatedly practices the right fundamentals and consistently delivers better performance results.
“You can practice shooting eight hours a day. But if your technique is wrong, then all you become is very good at shooting the wrong way. Get the fundamentals down and the level of everything you do will rise.”
– Michael Jordan

Need To Achieve More Success?
Are you feeling enough pain? If not, you are unlikely to make the required changes that you, your people and your business need.

Having To Work Too Hard?
Only when everyone in the boat is rowing in the same direction does the process of operating a business become easier.

Our change leaders help businesses to overcome their limiting and challenging paradigms.
Toyota Motor Company became the most valuable automobile company in the world by a long shot. They accomplished that amazing feat by creating a culture, to this day, that has a zero tolerance for waste within their business value streams. All employees are encouraged and expected to contribute to improving their job performance. Do you want this kind of business culture? If so, connect with us and let us show you how we can help your business achieve more success.
Employees have two primary responsibilities. Do their job and improve their job. Improving performance consistently happens when the fundamentals of waste elimination and prevention are part of an individual’s daily habits. That is where our team of performance improvement experts can make a world of difference in helping you and your business achieve more with less effort.
Overcoming limiting paradigms, in most cases, will have a profound impact on a business and all of its stakeholders. Consider for a moment that waste is defined as anything that adds no value from the client’s perspective – internal and external clients. Yet most business leaders and employees accept waste as standard practice – it’s the way we do things around here. This simple but cancerous paradigm can only be overcome when leaders make the decision that their business will have a zero tolerance of waste!
Our network of change leaders are adept at helping business leaders to identify limiting paradigms and overcome them with proven and highly effective strategies.